adult studies, classes, and small groups
God's plan is for us to grow up physically, to grow in relationships, to grow in our faith, and to grow in our relationship with God. But not all of these areas of growth come naturally. They require effort and intentionality. This is especially true of our growth in faith and discipleship. We grow in our faith as we worship, learn, and fellowship with other believers. We encourage you to participate in a study.
Studies are offered in the fall and spring. Our men's study runs year round.
Studies are offered in the fall and spring. Our men's study runs year round.
The Fulfillment: Jesus and the Old Testament
Mondays, 6:30 - 7:45 PM | Feb. 17th - March 31st
Led by Pastor Tracey Cox
Using Timothy Tennent’s Foundations of the Christian Faith, this is a 6-week class on “The Fulfillment: Jesus and the Old Testament”. We will look at important figures in the Old Testament (Adam, Abraham, Moses, and David) to help us more fully understand the New Testament gospel. We will consider the fulfilled roles Jesus embodies as the Second Adam, High Priest, Prophet/Redeemer and King of Kings. The last discussion covers Christ, the Suffering Servant.
Facilitator: Pastor Tracey Cox
When: Mondays 6:30 - 7:45 PM, Feb. 17th - March 31st
Where: The Loft (2nd floor of Sanctuary Bldg.)
Cost: No charge
Childcare: Available by request during registration
Facilitator: Pastor Tracey Cox
When: Mondays 6:30 - 7:45 PM, Feb. 17th - March 31st
Where: The Loft (2nd floor of Sanctuary Bldg.)
Cost: No charge
Childcare: Available by request during registration

first Frisco ironworks men's group
Fridays, 6 - 7 am in the Gathering Area (just outside the Sanctuary)
Led by Rev. Mark Vowell
First Frisco Ironworks is a ministry for Christian men. It refers to the refining activity of God that is needed in the life of every Christian. Refining and forging require tremendous heat and intentional shaping. A tool that has been properly refined and forged is more effective, and less likely to break under pressure. Important point: Men who participate in this ministry are not the fire, or the hammer, or the anvil! We are the lump, being refined and shaped for God’s purposes. For men, this process of spiritual refining and forging works best in the company of other men who are committed to the same goal. Join Pastor Mark on Fridays from 6-7 am in the Gathering Area. FFIW is currently studying How God Makes Men, by Patrick Morley. Contact Pastor Mark,, for details.
Facilitator: Rev. Mark Vowell
When: Fridays, 6 - 7 am year-round
Where: The Gathering Area (just outside the Sanctuary
Cost: No charge
Facilitator: Rev. Mark Vowell
When: Fridays, 6 - 7 am year-round
Where: The Gathering Area (just outside the Sanctuary
Cost: No charge

jerusalem: the holy city
Wednesdays, 10 - 11:30 AM, April 16th - May 14th in the Loft
Led by John Moore
This Bible study explores the rich history of Jerusalem, from David’s time to today. Discover the city’s transformation through key events: David’s conquest and purchase of Mount Moriah, its growth under Solomon and restoration by Nehemiah, Herod’s grandeur during New Testament times, the devastating Roman destruction in 70 AD, and its enduring significance in the modern era. Join us for this fascinating journey through history and scripture, deepening your understanding of the Bible's most iconic city.
John Moore is a First Frisco GMC member and a passionate Bible study teacher with a particular interest in Apologetics and the scientific and archaeological evidence for our Creator and His Bible. With years of experience, he has taught an in-depth, continuous four-year study of the Old Testament and numerous short courses on topics including the History of the Bible, Genesis, New Testament history, the Herodians, evidence for Jesus’ Resurrection, and Biblical geography.
Facilitator: John Moore
When: Wednesdays, 10 - 11:30 am, April 16th - May 14th
Where: The Loft (2nd floor of the Sanctuary bldg.)
Cost: No charge
Childcare: Available by request during registration
John Moore is a First Frisco GMC member and a passionate Bible study teacher with a particular interest in Apologetics and the scientific and archaeological evidence for our Creator and His Bible. With years of experience, he has taught an in-depth, continuous four-year study of the Old Testament and numerous short courses on topics including the History of the Bible, Genesis, New Testament history, the Herodians, evidence for Jesus’ Resurrection, and Biblical geography.
Facilitator: John Moore
When: Wednesdays, 10 - 11:30 am, April 16th - May 14th
Where: The Loft (2nd floor of the Sanctuary bldg.)
Cost: No charge
Childcare: Available by request during registration

a journey through hebrews
Wednesdays, 10-11:30 AM in The Loft (2nd floor of the Sanctuary bldg.) on Jan. 29th - April 9th
Led by Rebecca Campbell and Pat McClain
In this study we will take a detailed walk through the New Testament book of Hebrews, whose central focus is the magnificence of Christ. We will study why the book was written along with its relevance today, learning from a video series taught by a Christian University college professor.
Facilitators: Rebecca Campbell and Pat McClain
When: Wednesdays, Jan. 29th - April 9th. 10 - 11:30 am
Where: The Loft (2nd Floor of the Sanctuary bldg.)
Cost: No charge
Childcare: Available by request during registration
Facilitators: Rebecca Campbell and Pat McClain
When: Wednesdays, Jan. 29th - April 9th. 10 - 11:30 am
Where: The Loft (2nd Floor of the Sanctuary bldg.)
Cost: No charge
Childcare: Available by request during registration

sermon scripture study
Thursdays, 10-11:30 AM | Jan. 23rd until summer
Led by Marianne Jennings
Explore the Bible passages for the upcoming Sunday sermon in our weekly study. Led by Marianne Jennings, this is a collaborative and engaging session that combines insightful discussion with enjoyable fellowship.
Facilitator: Marianne Jennings
When: Thursdays | 10 - 11:30 AM | Jan. 23rd until summer
Where: Gathering Area
Cost: No Charge
Childcare: Available by request during registration
Facilitator: Marianne Jennings
When: Thursdays | 10 - 11:30 AM | Jan. 23rd until summer
Where: Gathering Area
Cost: No Charge
Childcare: Available by request during registration

what christians believe
Two 4-week sessions on Tuesdays, 6-7:15 PM in The Chapel (one story red brick bldg.) on April 1-22 and May 20 - June 10.
Led by Pastor Steve Robertson
Join Pastor Steve Robertson in this journey to discover and become more familiar with the core beliefs of the Christian faith. This class is designed for veteran Christians, for those who are new in their faith and for everyone in between. We will explore such key beliefs as: What Christians Believe about God, Jesus, the Atonement, Sin, Salvation, Faith, and Judgment. The format will be lecture/dialogue. The class will help you better understand just what it is Christians believe!
Facilitator: Rev. Steve Robertson
When: Tuesdays, 6 - 7:15 pm, April 1 -22 and May 20 - June 10
Where: The Chapel
Cost: No charge
Childcare: Available by request during registration
Facilitator: Rev. Steve Robertson
When: Tuesdays, 6 - 7:15 pm, April 1 -22 and May 20 - June 10
Where: The Chapel
Cost: No charge
Childcare: Available by request during registration

introduction to disciple making
May and September 2025 (Dates TBD)
Led by Grace Lucas
8-week sessions (lunchtime or evening) are conducted via Zoom with follow-up video and handouts for missed sessions along with weekly practice assignments. Each session builds on the week before so consistent attendance is important. You can watch the video during the week if need be.
Learning & practicing the 7 key common elements of a world-wide strategy for disciple making.
Only God can bring a movement through the Holy Spirit. But we can PREPARE by practicing and helping others practice the 7 key elements present in every current movement where God is at work in the world today. To learn more about this training or other on-site Kingdom Builder Workshops, please contact Grace Lucas at or directly at 254-722-7500.
Facilitator: Grace Lucas
When: May and September 2025
Where: Zoom
Cost: No charge
Learning & practicing the 7 key common elements of a world-wide strategy for disciple making.
Only God can bring a movement through the Holy Spirit. But we can PREPARE by practicing and helping others practice the 7 key elements present in every current movement where God is at work in the world today. To learn more about this training or other on-site Kingdom Builder Workshops, please contact Grace Lucas at or directly at 254-722-7500.
Facilitator: Grace Lucas
When: May and September 2025
Where: Zoom
Cost: No charge

VETS: Veterans' support & discipleship
Every other Wednesday, 6 - 7:15 pm
Led by Dave Plotkowski
Facilitator: Dave Plotkowski,
When: Every Other Wednesdays, 6 - 7:15 pm
Where: Contact Dave Plotkowski, to learn more
Victor Echo Tango Mission: To provide hope, compassion and support to our fellow veterans and their families; through the strength and gracious mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, for in Christ we are never alone.
Activities and Programs
Would you like to be a part of a loving, accepting group of Veterans who will gather to worship, study the Bible, fellowship, do mission projects, and enjoy events with other Vets? Interested? Email Dave Plotkowski at
When: Every Other Wednesdays, 6 - 7:15 pm
Where: Contact Dave Plotkowski, to learn more
Victor Echo Tango Mission: To provide hope, compassion and support to our fellow veterans and their families; through the strength and gracious mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, for in Christ we are never alone.
Activities and Programs
- Faith based selected reading and open discussion
- Flag placement around campus perimeter on selected holidays
- Volunteer to assist others in need, serving God by serving others
- Assist with VA benefits and helping families of veterans and deployed
Would you like to be a part of a loving, accepting group of Veterans who will gather to worship, study the Bible, fellowship, do mission projects, and enjoy events with other Vets? Interested? Email Dave Plotkowski at