Adult Studies, Classes & Small Groups

adult studies, classes, and small groups

God's plan is for us to grow up physically, to grow in relationships, to grow in our faith, and to grow in our relationship with God. But not all of these areas of growth come naturally. They require effort and intentionality. This is especially true of our growth in faith and discipleship. We grow in our faith as we worship, learn, and fellowship with other believers. We encourage you to participate in a study.

Studies are offered in the fall and spring. Our men's study runs year round.

first Frisco iron works men's group

Fridays, 6 - 7 am in the Gathering Area (just outside the Sanctuary)
Led by Rev. Mark Vowell

First Frisco Iron Works is a ministry for Christian men. It refers to the refining activity of God that is needed in the life of every Christian. Refining and forging require tremendous heat and intentional shaping. A tool that has been properly refined and forged is more effective, and less likely to break under pressure. Important point: Men who participate in this ministry are not the fire, or the hammer, or the anvil! We are the lump, being refined and shaped for God’s purposes. For men, this process of spiritual refining and forging works best in the company of other men who are committed to the same goal. Join Pastor Mark on Fridays from 6-7 am in the Gathering Area. FFIW will soon be studying "Religionless Christianity: God's Answer to Evil" by Eric Metaxas. Contact Pastor Mark,, for details. 
Facilitator: Rev. Mark Vowell
When: Fridays, 6 - 7 am year-round
Where: The Gathering Area (just outside the Sanctuary
Cost: No charge

The anxious generation

Mondays: June 3rd, June 17th, and July 1st, 7 - 8:30 pm
Led by Shannon Vowell

Wondering how to keep your kids or grandkids from getting sucked into the darkness of the Internet? You aren't alone.

Nowadays even the most committed Christian families are struggling to manage their children's access to technology and all its craziness. A new book offers insights based on the latest research: The Anxious Generation, by Jonathan Haidt, speaks hard truths about the epidemic of mental illness in young people and its irrefutable links to what the author calls "phone-based childhood." But the book offers encouragement, too, especially for like-minded communities who choose to commit to protecting children and teens, collectively. In other words, it's tailor-made for our family of faith!
Come read this book alongside scripture, and foster a connection with other parents and grandparents who want to reclaim health and freedom for their loved kiddos. Shannon Vowell (mom, grandparent, teacher of teens) will lead the discussion.

Three Monday evenings: June 3, June 17 July 1. 7:00 - 8:30 pm. Childcare is available by request during registration. Purchase the book HERE. Please read Part 1 prior to the first meeting.

Facilitator: Shannon Vowell
When: 3 Mondays: June 3rd, June 17th, and July 1st, 7 - 8:30 pm
Where: TBD
Cost: No charge
Childcare: Available by request during registration

leading a movement

Mondays: July 22nd, August 5th & 19th, 7 - 8:30 pm
Led by Pastor Tracey Cox

Rev. Dr. Leah Hidde-Gregory, President of the MidTexas Annual Conference of the Global Methodist Church shares an inside look at how the Global Methodist Church came into being, how the Holy Spirit is shaping the movement, and casts a vision of the future church. These three videos were presented this past spring. We will show them in our Chapel, and then have a Q&A session after each video with Pastor Tracey. Childcare available if needed.

Facilitator: Pastor Tracey Cox
When: 3 Mondays: July 22nd, August 5th & 19th, 7 - 8:30 pm
Where: TBD
Cost: No charge
Childcare: Available by request during registration

VETS: Veterans' support & discipleship 

Every other Wednesday, 6 - 7:15 pm
Led by Dave Plotkowski

Facilitator: Dave Plotkowski,
When: Every Other Wednesdays, 6 - 7:15 pm
Where:  Contact Dave Plotkowski, to learn more

Victor Echo Tango Mission: To provide hope, compassion and support to our fellow veterans  and their families; through the strength and gracious mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, for in Christ we are never alone.

Activities and Programs
  • Faith based selected reading and open discussion
  • Flag placement around campus perimeter on selected holidays
  • Volunteer to assist others in need, serving God by serving others
  • Assist with VA benefits and helping families of veterans and deployed

Would you like to be a part of a loving, accepting group of Veterans who will gather to worship, study the Bible, fellowship, do mission projects, and enjoy events with other Vets? Interested? Email Dave Plotkowski at


We'd love to hear from you.