a word from our senior pastor
Welcome! I hope that you are enjoying your tour of our website. The staff at First Frisco is more than happy to answer any questions you might have -- just give us a call at the church office at (972) 335-4380 or email us.
What an exciting church to serve! With a community that is growing so quickly, our pastors and staff want to be a church that grows with Frisco.
We believe each church has a unique place in God's kingdom work. We believe we are called to "Build a Family of Faith" that reaches out to the world with the good news that Jesus loves everyone! As followers of Jesus, we are working to BE disciples of Jesus Christ who MAKE disciples of Jesus Christ.
LifeSong is our praise and worship experience at 9:00 am each Sunday morning. We strive to provide a Spirit-filled worship experience and are led in music by LifeSong Worship. Then, as some might expect from the oldest church in Collin County, we are also rich in history and tradition with an excellent Traditional Worship experience at our 11:10 am service with music led by our Chancel Choir. Try one of our services, or try them both!
We offer Sunday school for all ages at 10:00 am. We believe everyone can benefit from a small group experience where you can know and be known.
We are blessed to have many new families joining our church. We would love for you to join us as we connect to the Kingdom of God and learn to follow Jesus. We are all on a journey and we're not supposed to travel alone. If you are looking for a church community where there is a "family feeling" and a commitment to Christ, I hope you will visit us soon. If you do, you might find what I have found... my spiritual home!
God's blessings,
Pastor Mark
What an exciting church to serve! With a community that is growing so quickly, our pastors and staff want to be a church that grows with Frisco.
We believe each church has a unique place in God's kingdom work. We believe we are called to "Build a Family of Faith" that reaches out to the world with the good news that Jesus loves everyone! As followers of Jesus, we are working to BE disciples of Jesus Christ who MAKE disciples of Jesus Christ.
LifeSong is our praise and worship experience at 9:00 am each Sunday morning. We strive to provide a Spirit-filled worship experience and are led in music by LifeSong Worship. Then, as some might expect from the oldest church in Collin County, we are also rich in history and tradition with an excellent Traditional Worship experience at our 11:10 am service with music led by our Chancel Choir. Try one of our services, or try them both!
We offer Sunday school for all ages at 10:00 am. We believe everyone can benefit from a small group experience where you can know and be known.
We are blessed to have many new families joining our church. We would love for you to join us as we connect to the Kingdom of God and learn to follow Jesus. We are all on a journey and we're not supposed to travel alone. If you are looking for a church community where there is a "family feeling" and a commitment to Christ, I hope you will visit us soon. If you do, you might find what I have found... my spiritual home!
God's blessings,
Pastor Mark

Rev. Mark Vowell
our mission, vision, and values
Our Mission
Make disciples of Jesus Christ and spread scriptural holiness across the globe.
Building a family of faith by knowing, loving, and serving God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength.
We Value
- Welcoming new friends in Christ
- Worshipping joyfully
- Growing spiritually
- Studying God’s word
- Giving generously
- Serving faithfully
- Loving deeply