2025 lay Leadership Roster

First Frisco
(as of 1/8/2025)

Church Council
Chair: Leisha Kingston
Vice Chair: Billy Vandeventer
Secretary: Carol Westbrook
Lay Leader: Jim McClain
Lay Members to Annual Conference: Jim McClain, Jim Cox and Maggie Vowell

SPRC Chair: Steve Morrison
Finance Chair: Deanna Walker
Trustee Chair: TBD
Stewardship Chair: Reg Gaulke
Building & Strategic Planning Team Chair: Alex Pfefferkorn
Church Historian: Catherine Fowler
Treasurer: Martha Beard

Ministries Coordinators:
Worship: Clergy Team
Worship Logistics: Staff: Steve Robertson
Discipleship: Staff: Tracey Cox
Missions: Staff: Tracey Cox
Children’s Ministry Team: Elyse Scott   Staff: Emily Harris
Youth Council:  Megan Scheriger   Staff: Tracey Cox
Women's Ministry President: Amy Wehr
Hospitality: Tom Garrett
Communications: Julie Shearer
Senior Pastor: Mark Vowell
Associate Pastor: Tracey Cox
Associate Pastor: Steve Robertson
Associate Emeritus: Bill Meek

At Large Members
2025:  Elaine Gammill, Chuck McGrath, Fil Thorn
2026:  Leo Bryant, Mickey Jackson, Sue Jocson
2027:  Pat Fowler, Jay Putnam, Mike Simpson

SPRC (Staff Parish Relations Committee)
Chair: Steve Morrison  Staff: Mark Vowell  Lay Leader: Jim McClain
2025: Theresa Hambrick, Paul Hartin, Pat McClain
2026: David Gruver, Steve Morrison, Leslie Whatley
2027:  Susan Campbell, Jody Kingston, Kevin Walker
Finance Committee
Chair: Deanna Walker  Staff: Mark Vowell
Lay Leader: Jim McClain, Church Council Chair: Leisha Kingston, Stewardship Chair: Reg Gaulke
Trustees Chair: TBD, SPRC Chair: Steve Morrison, Bldg & Strat Planning Chair: Alex Pfefferkorn
2025: Chuck McGrath, Gail Parker, Deanna Walker
2026:  George Childress, Dave Plotkowski, Steve Williams
2027:  Travis Campbell, Amy Rasmussen, Jeff Wehr
Treasurer: Martha Beard

Chair: TBD  Staff: Mark Vowell
Vice Chair: Darren Harris   Secretary: Jim Cox
2025: John Clark, Darren Harris, Lisa Putnam
2026:  Frank Campbell, Jim Cox, Cindy Gruver'
2027:  Roby Bledsoe, Cathy Plotkowski, Mart Steen
Facilities Manager:  Brett Sanders

Nominations and Leadership Development Committee
Chair: Mark Vowell  Lay Leader:  Jim McClain
2025: Lynda Morrison, George Scott, Amy Wehr
2026: Catherine Fowler, Joey Putnam, Elyse Scott
2027:  Elizabeth Mattheus, Megan Scheriger, Kim Thorn

Stewardship Committee

Chair: Reg Gaulke  Staff: Mark Vowell
2025: Reg Gaulke, Bryan Rasmussen, Sharon Storrs
2026: Frances Childress, Debbie Fowler, Jennifer Williams
2027: Elaine Gammill, Erin Pfefferkorn, Lynell Pinion

Building & Strategic Planning Committee
Chair: Alex Pfefferkorn   Lay Leader: Jim McClain   Staff: Mark Vowell
Trustees Chair: TBD   Finance Chair: Deanna Walker   Stewardship Chair: Reg Gaulke
2025: Pat Fowler, Todd Grogan, Dave Plotkowski
2026: Roby Bledsoe, Bill Fowler, Alex Pfefferkorn
2027: Lauren Hartin, Mark Lanigan, Joey Putnam

Children’s Ministry Team
Chair: Elyse Scott   Staff: Emily Harris,  Mark Vowell
2025: Megan Scheriger, Elyse Scott, Anna Lundeen
2026: Susan Campbell, Linda Longfellow, Erin Pfefferkorn
2027: Michelle Allen, Julie Bledsoe, Ruby Jocson

Friends in Christ Preschool Board
Director: Patti Eubank    Staff: Mark Vowell
2025: Meagan Luley, Elyse Scott, Taylor Seville
2026: Kristen Coquis, Ruby Jocson, Erin Pfefferkorn
2027: Halle Dobbs, Dottie DePaolo, Cammie Talk