
Welcome to First Frisco! No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, we welcome and invite you to experience God's grace among us. Programs for children, youth and adults provide opportunities for all to find a home at First Frisco. We look forward to meeting you.
Have a look around our website.  If you have questions, please contact our church office at 972.335.4380 or info@firstfrisco.org.
We love to share with others what God is doing at and through First Frisco. Join us for our Sunday service!

sunday morning services

In-Person and Online
9:00 AM Contemporary & 11:10 AM Traditional

7659 Preston Road - Frisco, TX 75034

9:00 AM LifeSong Contemporary Service
In-Person and Online

LIfeSong is a praise and worship experience led by LifeSong Worship in the Sanctuary.  Communion is served the first Sunday of each month and is open to everyone. We encourage families to worship together as a family. For kids birth - 5 years old, our nursery is available. 

11:10 AM Traditional Service
In-Person and Online

Our Chancel Choir Ensemble leads our Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary.  Communion is served the first Sunday of each month and is open to everyone. We encourage families to worship together as a family. For kids birth - 5 years old, our nursery is available. 

What To Expect

First Frisco is an engaging, dynamic atmosphere geared towards ministering to your entire family. First Frisco is full of life, creativity, love, and encouragement. There is a live contemporary band, LifeSong, at 9:00 and an adult choir at 11:10 that leads in worship along with a Bible-centered message by one of our pastors. The entire service lasts about 50 minutes.

We encourage you to worship together as a family. For parents who want a kid-specific option during worship,  our nursery is available for kids birth - 5 years old.

We offer Sunday school for all ages at 10:00 am. We encourage you to worship together as a family at either service then attend Sunday school where real connections happen.

nursery (0 - 5 years)

Christian love and learning begins at birth at First Frisco.  We have a loving, nurturing nursery ministry to care for children from 0 to 5 years of age.  When old enough, our nursery team leads the children in Bible songs and Bible stories. Our trained and background checked staff will help guide you through the process of checking in to make sure your child is safe and happy while at church.
Nursery is available 8:50 am - 12:05 pm in the Ministries Building (one story red brick building).

Questions? Contact Lauren Hartin, Nursery Coordinator, at nursery@firstfrisco.org

sunday school classes

10:00 - 11:00 AM

kids (3 years - 5th grade)

Our mission is to provide a safe environment for all children; to feel God's powerful, unconditional love for them, to learn the stories and messages of Jesus, and to understand how to give God's love to others. Sunday School is held in our Ministries Building (one-story red brick building) from 10:00 - 11:00 am.  Please visit the check-in table and our volunteers will be happy to help get your children registered.

youth (6th-12th grades)

Our Sunday School classes are taught by our amazing parents along with our Youth Ministry Director, Andy McKinney. We use a pre-formatted curriculum that is designed to not only teach students the timeless truth of God's Word, but also to engage their minds in thinking about their faith and how it relates to their daily life. Youth Sunday school meets at 10:00 am in the Loft (2nd floor of the Sanctuary bldg.).


First Frisco is all about connecting with God and each other. We offer a wide variety of adult Sunday school classes at 10:00 am. We recommend trying 2-3 different classes to find the best fit for you. If you'd like recommendations, contact Pastor Tracey, tracey@firstfrisco.org, or the church office.

frequently asked questions

What we believe

To find out more about the foundation of First Frisco and what we believe, click below.

What should I wear?

First Frisco is a church for everyone. We encourage people to come as they are and dress in what feels most comfortable.

How can I meet others and get connected?

At First Frisco we are all about building a family of faith. There are several ways to get connected:
  • Attend a service 
  • Coffee with the Pastor (Contact Church Office)
  • Visit a Sunday school class or join a Bible study 
  • Serve 
If you haven’t already, take the first step and simply join us for a service.

What happens when I arrive?

When you arrive, you can expect a very hospitable environment. All children are welcome in service (wiggles and all). For 5 & under, a nursery is available in the Ministries Bldg. (one-story red brick building). Greeters and ushers are available to help you navigate the campus and answer any questions you may have.

address and contact information

First Frisco Global Methodist Church
7659 Preston Road - Frisco, TX 75034
972-335-4380 - info@firstfrisco.org

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.