Prayer concerns
God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain - but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way.
Please remember these special people during their time of need in your prayers:
Jere and Esther Crim
Staci Davis (Leah Shields' daughter)
Fred Holt III and Karen Holt (by Hallie Smith)
John Lebeck
Pat McClain
Joyce McGrath
Jim and Sue Miller
Larry and Mary Parker
Janell Pendleton
Susie Ponce
Courtney Reeves
Ed and Hallie Smith
Logan Spangler and Family (by Friends In Christ)
Joyce Taylor (by Marianne and Joe Jennings)
Sandi Youngblood
Our Military Troops:
David Burry (Harry and Kris Sye's nephew)
Greg Early
Killian David Lynn
Ben Steen
Jonah Ratley
Noah Ratley
Calvin Torbert
All our troops!
To add concerns to this prayer list, please CLICK HERE or call the church office at 972-335-4380.
All names that are added to the prayer list will remain on the list for 4 weeks unless you specifically request that the name remain for an ongoing period due to extreme circumstances. Thank you and may God Bless You!
Please remember these special people during their time of need in your prayers:
Jere and Esther Crim
Staci Davis (Leah Shields' daughter)
Fred Holt III and Karen Holt (by Hallie Smith)
John Lebeck
Pat McClain
Joyce McGrath
Jim and Sue Miller
Larry and Mary Parker
Janell Pendleton
Susie Ponce
Courtney Reeves
Ed and Hallie Smith
Logan Spangler and Family (by Friends In Christ)
Joyce Taylor (by Marianne and Joe Jennings)
Sandi Youngblood
Our Military Troops:
David Burry (Harry and Kris Sye's nephew)
Greg Early
Killian David Lynn
Ben Steen
Jonah Ratley
Noah Ratley
Calvin Torbert
All our troops!
To add concerns to this prayer list, please CLICK HERE or call the church office at 972-335-4380.
All names that are added to the prayer list will remain on the list for 4 weeks unless you specifically request that the name remain for an ongoing period due to extreme circumstances. Thank you and may God Bless You!