Bike drive details

Bike Drive Date & Time:  Sunday, April 14th, 2-4 PM
Bike Drive Drop-Off: Saturday, April 13th, 8AM - Sunday, April 14th, 4 PM
Location: First Frisco Global Methodist Church - West Parking Lot
7659 Preston Road Frisco, TX 75034 972-335-4380
Donate Online: Donate HERE - Please note "Bike Drive" when giving online

why donate?

Bikes for Orphans is a non-profit organization working to send donated bikes to communities in Africa. Not everyone has the means for transportation and not every area is suitable for vehicles. They empower individuals by providing them with a means of transportation that enables them to accomplish goals that once seemed unattainable.

We are partnering with Every Orphan's Hope to host a community bike drive to collect new and used bicycles that will directly improve the lives of people in need. Once the bikes are shipped to the Narrow Road Bike Shop, in Zambia, they are repaired, serviced, and sold to members of the community. The proceeds from bike sales and repairs directly benefit Every Orphan’s Hope, an organization working hard to create new homes and families for orphans and widows in Zambia.

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