Easter sunday services

Sunday, March 31st

6:45 AM Youth Sunrise Service - Outdoors

8 AM Traditional Service in the Chapel

9 AM Contemporary Service in the Sanctuary

11:10 AM Traditional Service in the Sanctuary

Celebrate the triumphant story of Jesus' resurrection this Easter season at First Frisco GMC! You'll experience a welcoming atmosphere, a powerful message of hope, and a fun treat for the kids.
We have a wonderful nursery with an experienced, caring team for 3 years and under.
We don't have Sunday school classes on Easter.

palm sunday - easter cantata &
palm procession

Sunday | March 24th | 9:00 am and 11:10 am

Don't miss this Palm Sunday musical celebration! Enjoy a special Easter performance featuring our Chancel Choir and orchestra!

We'll also have a Palm Processional where all kids are invited to join in and wave palm branches as we celebrate Jesus' triumphant return. Kids wanting to participate can meet at the center Sanctuary doors 5 minutes before each service.

Easter eggstravaganza 

Sunday | March 24th | 12:15 - 2 pm

Peeps of all ages, are you looking for an egg-citing event? Hop on over to our Easter Eggstravaganza on Palm Sunday! This event is packed with fun activities for ALL ages, including:

  • Lunch for all our peeps
  • Egg hunts for the little peeps
  • Train rides for all peeps aboard
  • Face painting for our adventurous peeps
  • Music for all our groovy peeps
  • Inflatable obstacle course for our sporty peeps
  • Dessert auction for our hungry peeps

Don't forget to bring a dozen filled eggs for each child participating in the egg hunt!

good friday service

Sunday | March 29th | 7 pm

The purpose of this Maundy Thursday/Good Friday service is to reflect deeply on the sufferings and death of Christ for us and our salvation. This will be a powerful service that will take us from the Upper Room to the Garden of Gethsemane to the Cross and to the Tomb. Communion will be served.

why easter? resource booklet

Why Easter? written by Nicky Gumbel, is a concise and easy-to-read look at the very real questions surrounding Jesus that people might be thinking about during Easter.

  • What's so important about Easter?
  • Why are so many people excited about Jesus?
  • Why did he die?
  • Why do we need him?  

These questions and more often come up during the Easter season. The pressures and uncertainty of these  times  will once again call for the questioning of this age old celebration. Is there any truth in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ? Is  Easter,  and for that matter, Christianity still relevant in these times? Dive in to the free e-book through link below.

Questions? One of our pastors would be happy to talk with you. Contact our church office at 972-335-4380 or info@firstfrisco.org

contact us

We'd love to hear from you. 

First Frisco GMC | 972-335-4380
7659 Preston Rd. Frisco, TX 75034