fall kickoff sunday - sept. 11th

Sunday, September 11, will be “Fall Kickoff” for First Frisco! It will mark the beginning of important time changes for worship and Sunday School, as well as the launch date for a host of Fall ministries.

I hope you will join me in being a cheerleader for these changes and the opportunities they bring... I predict that the coming season will be an incredible season of growth for our church family!

New Sunday Morning format begins Sunday, September 11th:
  • 9:00 - 9:50 AM LifeSong Worship
  • 10:00 - 10:50 AM ALL Sunday School Classes
  • 11:10 AM - 12:00 PM Traditional Worship

Fall Kickoff will also be the launch date for Confirmation Training, Sunday Evening activities for Children and Youth, and Adult Discipleship classes.

The new Sunday morning schedule creates wonderful opportunities:
  • Every Sunday School Class is available to every worshiper, no matter which service they attend. (So, invite everyone to your class!)
  • Both worship services are available to everyone, regardless of Sunday School class affiliation.
  • Confirmation Class students will be able to worship with their families, no matter which worship service their families attend.
  • All the above will facilitate fellowship opportunities for folks who worship at different times – making First Frisco more and more one unified and connected Church Family!

All this is possible because our Family Life Center (Gym) has been beautifully renovated over the past few months. By God’s grace, we have locations for all classes and plenty of room to grow!

Fall Kickoff will also launch a new Sunday morning ministry for children: Kids Zone! During both worship hours, older kids (K-5th) whose parents want a kid-specific option during worship, will be invited to a mission activity-based time of learning and laughing together. Kids Zone is NOT Sunday School Part 2. Kids Zone will feature self-led activities, a missional focus, a video lesson, and (weather permitting) time on the playground.

Fall Kickoff details will be announced this coming Sunday in worship. I’m asking you as our church family: begin now to pray over and prep for these changes! And begin now to invite others into the exciting new season of ministry that God has for us at First Frisco!

In Christ,
Pastor Mark