the nehemiah project

The Book of Nehemiah begins with a deeply hopeless situation: The people of God have been exiled captives for generations; the walls of Jerusalem are a pile of rubble; the area surrounding Jerusalem is controlled by armed thugs who oppose the people and the will of God.

Into these horrific circumstances, God casts a vision for miraculous redemption: Release the captives! Rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls and gates! Against all odds, despite all the obstacles and opposition, even in the face of grumbling doubt - the miracle happens. God's vision becomes reality.

In 2019, First Frisco leaders chose this story of God's goodness and power to anchor our own vision of God's next step for our church family. We call that vision the Nehemiah Project.

The Nehemiah Project is a capital campaign that will...

  • rebuild our damaged Sanctuary walls
  • create a new Children's Wing with state-of-the-art nursery/toddler facilities 
  • add a connecting corridor